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Name: Granite
Breed: Friesian
Coat: Gray
Age: 5
Gender: Mare/Female
Dam -
Sire -
Mate/s -
Foal/s -
Unborn Foal/s -
Silbing/s -
Step-Sibling/s -
Sibling-Like/s -
Best Friend/s -
Mesa is a fast, speedy, and strong but the most friendliest mare Scorn could have as a friend and new herd leader for Mesa's herd the "Moonstar Herd".
Scorn and his herd was aware of a new herd coming to the valley, but they didn't expect Scorn's best friend that was a nine year old mare.
But Scorn said that Mesa was younger then him since she was nine years old younger to Scorn, and he also said that his herd could guess his age.
But Mesa was also in the war as a commanding admiral to keep the troops healthy, fast, strong, and quick to react to things.
Mesa was born with a moon marking, and that inspired her to create the Moonstar Herd and put it into exsistence.
Mesa appearenalty has no lead stallion since she refused them during the war and now.
Scorn and Mesa were also good friends in the war and before, he also introduced his mate Grey Cloud to her.
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