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Name: Bastilla
Breed: Quarter Horse
Coat: Goldenrod Palomino
Age: 9
Gender: Mare/Female
Dam -
Sire -
Mate/s -
Foal/s -
Unborn Foal/s -
Silbing/s -
Step-Sibling/s -
Bastilla is a pretty calm mare, but she does have a wild side too, whether she's on her own or with someone, she'll want to be free.
Bastilla is known for being wild and being quite dangerous when she wants to be wild.
Bastilla is also known for being the sweetest and quietest mare that is usually known for being wild and dangerous.
But she can be very sweet to children and foals alike!
Though her bloody mary mane and tail are contrasted with her purple birthmark which is pretty rare.
But she does have an orange sun and a complete white moon, Bastilla's role is actually being the Dusk Guardian.
The Dusk Guardian is a high and honorable role only given to a foal, female precisely, when she is born with a purple ooze, stars that glimmer, and a sun and moon that are quite different.
The Dusk Guardian also never ages, meaning that they can be very young but still age until they reached maturity.
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