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Name: Drizzle
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Coat: Flaxen Chocolate Sooty
Age: 3
Gender: Stallion
Dam - Chocolate
Sire - Whipped Cream
Mate/s - Diane, Ruby, Gemstone, Earthquake, Phoenix, Crab, and Trick or Treat
Foal/s -
Unborn Foal/s - Diane's Cake, Gemstone's Birthday, Earthquake's Surprise Bash, Phoenix's Birthday Ribbons, Crab's Crab Cakes, Trick or Cake
Silbing/s - Sugar, and Topping
Step-Sibling/s -
Drizzle is a cute and cuddley brown eye draft build, he's sweet but also very careful and mean to other rider's who treat Drizzle like their own horse.
Drizzle can pull a train if he's with his sister's Sugar and Topping.
Though Drizzle is also a hardworking pulling horse, he can have some time with his mares who are in foal.
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